Dr. Boxer from US
published in his thesis that excessive free radicals may cause stroke and myocardial infarction. A renowned Japanese scientist said that there is a relationship between joint pain, cataract, brown pigmentation on the skin, cancer and free Radicals. Studied conducted by Dr Shing Ya, a renowned Japanese professor, confirmed that an increase in the level of oxidized substances induced by free radicals in human's body is likely to cause diabetes and vascular dysfunctions.
Dr. Carter
Superoxide anion Is the culprit that creates free radicals. Therefore, in the attempt to prevent free radical damage, superoxide anions must be eliminated. Dr. Carter from US National health Research Centre carried out researches on 14 types of promates; he found that there is an inverse relationship between oxygen consumption and life-span. Hence it can be deducted that the elimination of superoxide anions is vital to human health.
The Chinese medical research center of Liao Ning province
performed 8 experiments on the effects of SNE Natural Essence that span 3 categories. The tests demonstrated that SNE Natural Essence has significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It relieves inflammation and promotes healing. Besides, it lowers the risk of gastric ulcer by reducing the secretion of gastric juice. It is non-toxic and has no side effects. Conclusion : SNE Natural Essence had an effectiveness rate as high as 98.3% on the treatment of digestive tract ulcer, acute gastritis and chronic gastritis.
Third Hospital (provincial tumour hospital) of harbin Medical University
tested SNE Natural Essence on 100 tumour patients in clinical trial. Clinical observation showed that 75% Overall Effectiveness on CR (Complete Remission) and 63% on PR (Partial Remission) on SNE+Chemotherapy Vs 5% Overall Effectiveness on CR (Complete Remission) and 0% on PR (Partial Remission) on Chemotherapy alone.
Hebei Medical College
conducted a clinical trial involving 312 subjects. The result demonstrated that SNE showed significant effects on relieving headache, dizziness and tinnitus cause by coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. It was also found to lower blood pressure and blood lipid. Conclusion : patients who suffer from high blood pressure experienced decline was within 15-50 / 25-55mm/Hg. The overall effectiveness of decline in blood pressure was 84.26%
The Institute of Medical Research
Hospital Xi Yuan and the Naval Hospital of Xi An on 500 patients infected by skin disease with the Effectiveness as follows: Burn (100%), Scald (100%), Cut (100%), Bedsore (99.6%), Systemic Lupus rythematosus (62%), Acne (100%), Seborrhea Dermatitis (88.9%), Psoriasis (66.4%), Pemphigus (86%), Dermatitis (92.3%). Pharmacological experiments proved that SNE inhibited and killed staphylococcus aureus (yellow), staphylococcus albus (white), beta hemolytic staphylococcus and E. Coli. Its effected was particular strong on beta hemolytic staphylococcus.
Dr Sikang from Tokyo
Japan carried out at the Chinese-Japanese sodality hospitals proved that SNE Capsule able to regulate fat metabolism disorder caused by high blood lipids. Besides, its curative function is able to help in healing of liver damage induced by excessive alcohol intake and drugs.